Wednesday, January 07, 2009

wherever you are, whatever you are doing . . .

we are housing Ricardo - - Brett's new roommate, for a few days (until they sign the papers to move into the apartment), and yesterday we had such a very nice breakfast with him. I mean, the breakfast itself wasn't so fantastic - - all I had to offer was toasted day day old bread (I convinced myself that it was guest-worthy by putting out two varieties of jam and honey) but the time together was good. there was this fantastic dialogue going on - - good questions, good thoughts, good challenges. And all the while there were so many distractions going on - - Selma toddling in, climbing up laps, and then climbing down, toddling out and slipping on the way . . . and the boys wresting in the hallway, and coming in for parental intervention, and getting a snack on the way out . . .
it was all
loved it.
Because pursing truth isn't reserved for only the quiet, calm times; it isn't reserved for a specific place, or time, or volume level.
it's just
every day life.