the weekend "I was at home all day long laying down because I was sick"
pulled out of Malchai's school portfolio from last trimester p.s check out his sweet rendition of the couch. the armrests are almost identical to the originals
this is a wonderful self portrait of your boy--I had to look for a very long time, so it's the red couch with him looking very pale in white stretchd out sick-and the brown part, is that the window? the shades? And he gave me a good preterit, imperfect review. ."estuve in casa. . porque estaba enfermo. . "-sorry to hear you have sickness; I suppose it's that time of year. many hugs
this is a wonderful self portrait of your boy--I had to look for a very long time, so it's the red couch with him looking very pale in white stretchd out sick-and the brown part, is that the window? the shades? And he gave me a good preterit, imperfect review. ."estuve in casa. . porque estaba enfermo. . "-sorry to hear you have sickness; I suppose it's that time of year. many hugs
I checked with Malachai; the brown is curtains, the gray - - the little loops that hold the curtains up
(and I always thought I had chosen a discrete rod . . .)
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