Wednesday, September 24, 2008

we were walking down to the pasteleria this afternoon to buy milk when Malachai (who recently started taking some classes in Euskera - - the Basque language) told me "did you know that burdea means 'animal buns' in Euskera?"

me: "really? that's kind of a weird thing to learn to say in Euskera"

Malachai: "I know mama, the thing is that the Basques say really crazy things"

me: "oh"
(really, what else could I say? well, other than - - "come on now, son, a little respect please . . ." )


Amy Medina said...

this one made me laugh out loud. :-)

Naomi Smith said...

oh yes, I pride myself in raising culturally sensitive children . . . it's just a huge value of mine that CAN'T help but to trickle down naturally to my posterity

Unknown said...

Hey, did I tell you that Amaleah was praying for you all, and she said, "Dear Lord, please help Aunt Naomi, Uncle Joshua, Malachai, Josu, and Selma not to forget the 'English way' while their in Spain...." We raise culturally sensitive children too, and never ever elevate one culture over the other....