Tuesday, September 23, 2008

a day in the life of us living a day with Dawn

Our super cool friend Dawn was here visiting last week. While she was here we took a little jaunt up to France (you can do that when you live in northern Spain) where we did fun things like walk on a French beach (averting our eyes from the occasional French nudie), eat French crepes, check French mail slots for French bad guys,
and peer into French shops and wonder about the moral implications of spending ungodly amounts of money on French children's fashion.
p.s. how hard do you think it would be to draft up a pattern for that little jacket?


Unknown said...

sounds like a dream day to me...and I bet you anything you don't have to draft up that pattern, it can probably be found in Vogue. Wish I were there too!

Heather Pelczar said...

How adorable- if you find a pattern, would you tell me where you found it? Love that little jacket. Can't wait until we can meet you in France to have a day trip together. :)

Naomi Smith said...

well, I just looked at the vogue patterns online. no luck. sigh.

yes! we will go to france! everyone will go to France! I am waiting eagerly for BOTH of you ladies to come over and visit; and we will go to France!

Caroline said...

You can do it, Naomi...I believe in you! Who needs patterns with your creativity and skill?