Saturday, July 22, 2006

Malachai saw a little girl in the park recently and said "hello" - - and then "hola". After the little girl didn't reply he said to me "she doesn't speak English or Spanish!

I made turtles (hmmm . . . you know, pecans covered with caramel and then chocolate?) this week -- with some variations; the caramel recipe called for light corn syrup (none of that here!) so I used honey instead, and I used walnuts instead of pecans. We had a sort of book club tonight with some people in the church, and so I took some turtles to share; I didn't know how they would go over; I thought they may be too sweet, but they got rave reviews. I'll add that to my (short) "hit with the Spaniards" recipe list. good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That sounds yummy! I have heard that you are a great baker, anything you make with chocolate must be good...;)