Wednesday, March 24, 2010

stickers on my window, and goodness! my house is a mess!

We had a rich few days together as a church this past weekend. We spend some concentrated time reflecting on some of our strengths and weaknesses as individuals and as a church community. on Friday night, after a rousing game of neon bowling, we came back home and spent half of an hour writing out important events in the little history of our church on post-it notes. we then arranged them as a time line on our window wall - - putting the highlights up high, and the struggles down low (perhaps you have done this before? it was very fun and enlightening!)
Joshua had to leave for a trip to London before he was able to record this fantastic documentation, so we left up the 107 little yellow squares for him to record it all when he returns later on this week.
While Joshua is away, I am trying my best to prepare for our move.
My friend Trini (remember Pablo? we love Pablo. Trini is Pablo's mom) came by yesterday to pick up some stuff I had set aside for her.

Trini's husband heads up Pamplona's catholic charity group, which means her house is furnished with bits and pieces of furniture that her good husband has brought home from the donation shop over the course of their marriage.

So when Trini came by yesterday, she took away my tables and chairs (and benches and fans and my lavender plant and my extremely hearty mystery plant). I warned her that my table has wine glass rings and globs of glitter glue in random places, but she insisted a hundred times that she wanted it anyways and that she would actually pay me for it. (yeah! into the camera fund that goes!)

while Trini was here, she asked my stickered window; she said that she had looked up at my apartment from the street level, and could see lots of little black dots and wondered what I had done to my windows.
I explained it to her, and she laughed at us . . . .
but I think she liked it . . . .


Unknown said...

when I saw the pictures, before I read it I thought those were the "to-do" lists you put up for your move...which is another idea too!

Naomi Smith said...

mmmmm . . . that IS a good idea! maybe I'll do that on my kitchen window!

darcie said...

I'm grateful for the chance I had to meet Trini, to hear about her life and all-and I'm glad she'll have your stuff. . .AND I love the memory of the saints intent- seriously writing and posting those notes.
much love. . .

Anonymous said...

Dear Naomi,

We are praying for you this week. With each post-it on the window, I know there are many memories to go along with it. I have feelings of sadness too with you leaving Pamplona. We met so many wonderful people when we visited you.

May God multiple your time and efforts this week.

Love, Ginny