Sunday, October 19, 2008

well, Joshua is home, and life seems a lot more cheery and hopeful (even on a dreary day like today); I can face life with a glimmer in my eye and a spring in my step . . . you know how it goes . . . I mean, look at me:

here I am drinking tea and sitting in front of my laptop while Joshua entertains the rowdy brood (captivating them with the legends of Zelda - - it's totally, totally educational; they have to do like, problem solving and stuff)

so check out this little hat that came as a gift to Josu when he was born. he really didn't get to wear it much (I'm not sure why I didn't force it on him; it's as cute as all get out!), but we did our part making up for it when we took the family out for a walk and down to the pasteleria this morning. It got passed around and we all got a share of the wooly hat goodness.

(click on Malachai's picture to get a close-up of the fantastic smattering of freckles on that cute nose!)(Josu - - a bit miffed that I made him take off his superhero cape for the picture. I'm still cool with my quirky sweet wearing it everywhere he goes, but, hey now son, there is a fine line between quirky-fun and quirky-obnoxious; let's limit the cape's presence in photos, ok?) (even Rachel tried to join in on the fun)


Long dark hair, blue eyes said...

what cute kids you have.

It is amazing how similar my view from my couch is to the photo you have posted. (except that I don't have kids)

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Very cute, very cute. We are gathering up a collection of little things to send for Selma, and hopefully a few for the boys. Miss you!