Saturday, October 27, 2007

the one that didn't get posted

. . . because I wanted to make sure that they really were contractions; and then we had to run out too fast . . .

oh dang! is that a contraction?


Rachel said...

Ok, so of course -- Congratulations!!! But also to say, my first thought when I saw that picture was, "Oh, and where did she get THAT cute suitcase?"

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Congratulations! I can't wait to see pics of little Selma! Sounds like it's a good thing you DID run that fast or you'd be having your baby on the way to the hospital!

Cat said...

seriously, that suitcase is adorable. I've been looking for one like that today at Goodwill... :)

How are YOU??? and that dear sweet girl of yours. How is Selma??

Heather Pelczar said...

I am too excited to think of anything to say...I just want to see Selma!!! (very nice picture though. Fun to look at...)

Naomi Smith said...

the suitcase was left next to my downstairs dumpster by some faithful recycling neighbor; nice, huh?