Malachai panicked; "oh no!" he cried "but I don't know how to say waffles in Spanish!"
it turns out that in school, Malachai's teacher has been asking the kids what they had for breakfast; oh, the traumas of a four year old!
speaking of trauma, check out this picture that I snagged of the school conserje (i.e. janitor/doorman/guard/the guy all the kids look up to) directing school traffic this week as we waited outside for the buses to come back from a field trip . . . there is a prize here waiting for the first person to identify the little something in his left hand.

Looks like a cigarette butt (or just a cigarette).
Do I win anything?
It is obviously something to be smoked. But from so far away it is hard to tell what (i.e. it might not be just a regular cigarette) Cigarettes in the states do not tend to be brown so I'm inclined to think it is more like a joint.
I had Chris look at the pic and he said its a "roach". Otherwise known as an illegal substance starting with the letter M. Tell me its not though! Especially considering its at Malachai's school.
Nah, it's blatantly a regular ol' cigarette.
The ash is formed all wrong for a joint and you can clearly see the brown filter, rather than brown resin at the top where it's been lit and smoked.
I'm sure it's a cigarette.
looks like a cigarrette to me...
why would that be "traumatic" as Naomi put it? Not that smoking regular cigarettes is a great thing to do but I'm not sure it would be blog worthy considering many people smoke in Europe. I could be wrong though.
Sorry Naomi, if it is JUST a cigarette. It is a bad example to the children at school no matter what kind it is.
wow, you all have been a faithful, involved bunch . . .and I had no idea that so many of you knew so much about the the "alternative smoking substances"!
I think that it's ONLY a cigarette - - like Lory said - - not TOO traumatic here in Europe, but it's humorous to me nonetheless that this be normal for our favorite, trusty school employee to be so casually smoking on the job (yes, we're in Spain but there is still SOME sense of smoking propriety!)
Jonah, you win - - a meal at our place (not just for you, but for the whole stinkin family!); make a date and come and get it; it's been long enough! :)
I see a cigarette butt at best. Yikes! Is this normal in Spain?
ps - Naomi - I would love to come to Spain and rubbermaid your closets. I would come to Spain just to give you a hug.
xoxo Carol
so how do you say waffles in spanish?
uhhh . . . I don't know how to say waffles in Spanish; "geoffres" maybe?
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