unisex baby clothes.
they usually come in sherberty colors - - greens, oranges, yellows . . .
While this is wonderfully practical (think - -easy transfer from your first baby girl to your second baby boy, or easy gift stock up for all the pregnant ladies in the neighborhood when you can't remember who's expecting a baby girl and who's expecting a baby boy), it can also be terribly confusing; just this past week, I mistook a baby boy dressed in peach for a baby girl (Arg! why didn't I check for earrings?!)
When Selma was born I scored this cream unisex outfit from my neighbor/friend Maite. Sooooo . . . if you like it, and are expecting either a girl OR a boy, let me know and I will set it aside for you (see, practical, huh?)
p.s. look, mom! Selma is wearing the little hat you knit for her! doesn't it do a nice job giving her outfit a feminine touch?